Wednesday, 22 October 2014

MA & More

Alongside taking in all these new MA things, I still want to feel like I am becoming a professional practitioner, and get involved with things 'in the real world'...I have a studio space at Market Place Studios in Stockport, and am in the process of moving in. I feel that as a jeweller, who tends to concentrate on my individual work, being a part of many different communities is great. Learning through participation and interaction, meeting new people and sharing opinions, experiences and knowledge is the best way to enrich my practice. At the studios, there will be exhibiting, selling, teaching and networking opportunities that will aid my future career as a jeweller and maker. 

Market Place Studios, Stockport
I was lucky enough to be asked to show my work alongside the Makers Dozen at The Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair. This year the show was held in The Old Granada Studios and what a great experience it was...I showed a extended version of the Hooks of Life, a collection I created for my degree. 

Showing with the Makers Dozen was a really good opportunity in itself, having advice from talented and successful designers, makers and artists was invaluable. For me, the publics reaction to my work is so important, and in a lot of cases triggers ideas for further collections. I address everyday topics that relate to everyday women, so I love to see people getting involved in conversation about their own thoughts and opinions on traditional  female roles. 

Other exhibitors were really supportive. I am an emerging maker and I know that the skills I have acquired over the last few years at Uni are in many ways self taught, and may perhaps not be the most efficient! any technical tips are warmly welcomed. It was wonderful to see how willing makers are to give guidance and encouragement.

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